Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why do it And Why do it now!

I admit I am a blogging skeptic. The plethora of such creations splashed across the internet makes the enterprise akin to pouring a bucket of water into the sea -the sea doesnt need it and moreover the bucketful is likely to get lost (carrying with it wasted time and effort). On the other hand, I do have something to say (or a bucket to pour), whether it is lost or not is immaterial.

Now to the real reason for doing this now - prodding from my wife. I guess she is tired of enduring my ramblings alone and wants (a part of ) the world to suffer with her :-). Jokes apart, she thought I should give it a shot and for once I agreed.

What do I plan to write about ? 3 or 4 things really. I think mainly about Philosophy, (Indian)Politics, Current (Foreign) Affairs and History. I have varied amounts of interest in each of these areas and though I dont claim to be an authority on any, I do claim to have an opinion on many. That said, we'll see..I will write on whatever comes to mind.

Finally, who is the audience for all this ? It is hard to pontificate without a target population, or as they say in Marketing 101, know your customer before you create your product.

I would like to think of my audience as really 2 people. First is my 2 year old son. Yes, I said T-W-O! His world is of course far removed from any of this, he neither knows nor cares about blogs or opinions. But my keeping him in front, by thinking I am somehow talking to him (13-14 years fast forwarded) makes the effort easier and makes me want to write....

Enough for a first post! And now onto the second....

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sandy - just realized you've started this blog - great idea and great writing! Keep it coming...Ankur
